Further reading for dynamic regulation: beyond memory
Ringrose, L., Ehret, H., Paro, R. (2004). Distinct contributions of histone H3 lysine 9 and 27 methylation to locus-specific stability of polycomb complexes. Mol Cell. 16(4):641-53 (PubMed abstract)
Ringrose, L. (2007). Polycomb comes of age: genome-wide profiling of target sites. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 19(3):290-7 (PubMed abstract)
(see Figure 2 and the section: “Beyond epigenetics: are PcG and TrxG proteins transcriptional amplifiers?”)
Steffen, PA., Ringrose, L. (2014). What are memories made of? How Polycomb and Trithorax proteins mediate epigenetic memory. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 15(5):340-56 (PubMed abstract)
(see Figure 7 and the section: “Conclusions: beyond memory”)