Steffen PA, Altmutter, C, Dworschak, E, Junttila, S, Gyenesei, A, Zhu, X, Kockmann, T and Ringrose, L. (2021). The Trithorax group protein ASH1 requires a combination of BAH domain and AT hooks, but not the SET domain, for mitotic chromatin binding and survival. Chromosoma https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00412-021-00762-z.pdf


Reinig, J, Ruge, F, Howard, M and Ringrose, L. (2020). A theoretical model of Polycomb/Trithorax action unites stable epigenetic memory and dynamic regulation. Nature Communications 11, Article number: 4782 (Link to article)


Sneppen, K., and Ringrose, L. (2019). Theoretical analysis of Polycomb-Trithorax systems predicts that poised chromatin is bistable and not bivalent. Nature Communications 10, Article number: 2133 (Link to article)

Ringrose, L., (2017). Noncoding RNAs in Polycomb and Trithorax Regulation: A Quantitative Perspective. Annu Rev Genet 51:385-411 (Abstract)

Ringrose, L., Howard, M. (2017). Dissecting chromatin-mediated gene regulation and epigenetic memory through mathematical modelling. Current Opinion in Systems Biology 3:7-14. (Abstract)

Ringrose, L. (2017). Epigenetics and Systems Biology. 1st Edition. Academic Press. (Contents & purchase)



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Ringrose, L. (2015). Reconciling randomness and precision. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 16(11):642 (PubMed abstract)

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Steffen, PA., Fonseca, JP., Gänger, C., Dworschak, E., Kockmann, T., Beisel, C., Ringrose, L. (2013). Quantitative in vivo analysis of chromatin binding of Polycomb and Trithorax group proteins reveals retention of ASH1 on mitotic chromatin. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(10):5235-50 (PubMed abstract)


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Hekimoglu-Balkan, B., Aszodi, A., Heinen, R., Jaritz, M., Ringrose, L. (2012). Intergenic Polycomb target sites are dynamically marked by non-coding transcription during lineage commitment. RNA Biol. 9(3):314-25 (PubMed abstract)
Steffen, PA., Fonseca, JP., Ringrose, L. (2012). Epigenetics meets mathematics: towards a quantitative understanding of chromatin biology. Bioessays. 34(10):901-13 (PubMed abstract)
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